Financial information and reports

AFL Group

Agence France Locale (AFL), the local authority financing agency, is an entity exclusively dedicated to the financing of French local authorities (communes, départements, regions, their groupings, trade unions and local public establishments). It is owned by Agence France Locale – Société Territoriale (AFL-ST), whose shareholders are composed of these same entities.

Accounts AFL - Half Year Report - 30/06/2024
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2023
Accounts AFL - Half Year Report - 30/06/2023
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2022
Accounts AFL - Half Year Report - 30/06/2022
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2021
Accounts AFL - Half Year Report - 30/06/2021
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2020
Accounts AFL - Half Year Financial Report - 30/06/2020
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2019
Accounts AFL - Half Year Financial Report - 30/06/2019
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2018
Accounts AFL Half Year Financial Report - 30/06/2018
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2017
Accounts AFL Half Year Financial Report - 30/06/2017
Accounts AFL - Annual Report - 31/12/2016
Accounts AFL Half Year Financial Report - 30/06/2016
Accounts AFL assets - 31/12/2015
Accounts AFL IFRS assets - 31/12/2015
Accounts AFL Half Year Financial Report - 30/06/2015
Accounts AFL assets - 31/12/2014
Accounts AFL IFRS assets - 31/12/2014
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2024)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2023) [FR] - Voluntary ESEF publication (XHTML format)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2023) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2023)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2022) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2022)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2021) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2021)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2020) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2020)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2019) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2019)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2018) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2018)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2017) [FR]
Accounts AFL-ST - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2017)
Accounts AFL-ST - Annual Report (31/12/2016) [FR]
Accounts - Interim consolidated statement (30/06/2016)
Accounts - Consolidated Statement (31/12/2015)
Accounts - Interim Consolidated Statement (30/06/2015)
Accounts AFL-ST - IFRS (31/12/2014)
2024/12/10 - Issuance of Deeply-Subordinated Debt Intended to be Recognized as AT1
2024/11/04 - Success for the first sustainable HQLA 1 benchmark issue by AFL : €500 million with a short 8-year maturity
2024/10/23 - Fitch maintains AFL's ”AA-“ rating with a negative outlook
2024/09/26 - First half-year 2024: Business continued to grow at a sustained pace, delivering positive earnings
2024/09/08 - Fitch assigns a « AA- » rating to AFL
2024/07/04 - The ACPR announces a reduction in the risk weighting of exposure to French local authorities to 0% and HQLA 1 eligibility for debt issued by the bank of local authorities
2024/06/10 - Yves Millardet elected to the Administrative Board of the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB)
2024/06/07 - S&P’s downgrade of France’s credit rating has no impact on AFL’s rating
2024/06/04 - AFL carried a 250M£ bond issue
2024/04/29 - Agence France Locale Successfully Launched its Inaugural 10-year CHF 110 million Bond
2024/03/28 - AFL Group annual results 2023 : a business record
2024/01/16 - Agence France Locale 10-year EUR 750 million Benchmark Bond
2023/09/25 - First half-year 2023: AFL reinforces its model with a very strong balance sheet and results
2023/05/25 - Agence France Locale 15-year EUR 500 million Benchmark Bond
2023/03/27 - AFL Group annual results 2022 : a record year
2023/01/31 - AFL publishes its second Sustainability Bond report
2023/01/16 - Agence France Locale 7-year EUR 750 million Benchmark Bond
2022/11/15 - Third benchmark bond issue for AFL in 2022
2022/10/04 - First-half 2022: The results for the six months to June 30, 2022 reflect AFL’s strong development and financial strengthening
2022/03/29 - 2021 : a record year for AFL Group
2022/02/02 - Huge success for AFL's first bond issue in a currency outside the euro zone
2022/01/20 - Huge success for AFL second sustainable bond issue
2021/09/28 - AFL publishes its half-yearly results at June 30, 2021
2021/07/22 - AFL publishes its first Sustainability Bond report
2021-04-02 - AFL Group break even thanks to further growth in its activities in 2020
2020/09/29 - Publication of AFL's 2020 half-yearly results
2020/07/17 - AFL successfully launched its first sustainable bond issue
2020/09/26 - Results and activities of AFL Group in 2019
2019/10/14 - Results and activities of AFL Group
2019/07/09 - Agence France Locale confirms the quality of its credit standing during the first semester 2019
2019/05/22 - S&P assigns a "AA-" rating to AFL
2019/04/03 - The 2018 results and activities of AFL Group once again demonstrate the attractiveness of its business model
2018/04/10 - Results and activities of AFL Group
2017/12/06 - AFL has increased its 2024 eurobond by €250 million [EN]
07/11/2016 - Moody's affirms Agence France Locale's long-term issuer and backed senior unsecured rating at Aa3, stable outlook​ (Communiqué de presse de Moody's​)
29/01/2015 - Moody's assigns Aa2/P-1 ratings to Agence France Locale / outlook negative (Communiqué de presse de Moody's - en anglais)