Recognised credit quality

AFL’s dual guarantee mechanism guarantees the solidity of its signature. This is reflected in the ratings it has been awarded:

Moody’s : Aa3/P-1
S&P : AA-/A-1+

Rating [Moody’s]
Moody's - 2024 credit opinion - 06/2024
Rating [S&P]
S&P - 2024 credit opinion - 05/2024

AFL creditworthiness

Members Guarantee
Total Amount of Members Guarantees
Members ​Guarantee template (2014.1)
Members Guarantee template (2016.1) [FR]
Members Guarantee Escrow agreement [FR]
ST Guarantee
ST G​​uarantee ​
ST Guarantee: Memorandum of Understanding
Amount of the ST Guarantee​
ST Guarantee : Escrow agreement [FR]